Now is the time to begin thinking about winter maintenance for your steel building. Steel buildings are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, but there are steps you can take that will prevent damage and ensure safety.
Mind the Landscaping
The steel panels of a metal roof are usually resistant to scratches. However, surface scratches can occur when tree branches or rough edges are constantly blown against buildings by strong winter winds. It's a good idea for landscaping to be maintained (trees and bushes, etc.). The foliage around your steel building should be trimmed or pruned in the late fall and early winter.
Clear the Roof
It is a good idea to inspect the roof of your steel building now for any debris. These can be leaves, small branches or twigs from trees, as well as dirt. These things can be as harmless as they seem, especially if they are not on a strong roof. However, they can pose a problem if they are left unchecked. This is particularly true if the debris gets waterlogged, which is more common during winter months. It can lead to corrosion and rust on surfaces.
You can clean your roof by yourself if you feel confident. It's safer and easier to hire a professional.
See all Seals
All seals around steel buildings should be checked for leaks as winter draws near. Leakages can occur around pipe boots and chimney flashing. Any leaks should be fixed as soon as they are discovered.
It is a good idea to inspect the seals around doors and windows in your steel building. A little weather-proof sealant can help to keep these seals in good condition all winter and reduce heating bills.
Clean the Gutters
Having debris buildup in gutters can cause your steel building's roof to collapse and prevent water from draining away from it. This can lead to common winter problems like ice dams.
These issues can easily be avoided by cleaning your gutters at least once per year. You may need to schedule this service more frequently if there are many trees near your building that regularly shed leaves into the gutters.
Steel Building Maintenance: The Bottom Line
Steel buildings are very easy to maintain, even in winter when it is cold. However, there is no building material that is maintenance-free. This is why it is important to make the right preparations when caring for your steel buildings.
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8497 Young Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2P 0M6
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